新西兰创业移民商业计划书 必须尽可能的详细,要包括以下内容:N1 Business plans must be specific to the proposed business, not a generic or template business plan; and include satisfactory evidence that you have: •funds to finance your business and support yourself and any dependent family members 如何给创业和家庭生活提供资金 •enough relevant business experience to increase the chances of it succeeding 相关的从商经验 •done market research into the demand for your business in New Zealand, and 进行了必要的新西兰市场研究 •based your business plan on realistic financial forecasts 实际的财务预算 •a sound business record – 良好的经商记录 (if you have been involved in business failure or bankruptcy within the last five years your application cannot be approved) •sound business character – 良好的经商品德 (if you have ever been involved in business fraud or impropriety your application cannot be approved), and •registration – 预先注册登记 you have obtained professional or occupational registration in New Zealand if registration is required for the proposed business, and •export rights – 出口许可 you have obtained any certification, registration or distribution rights or licenses you will need to export, or evidence that you can obtain these. You have the choice of: •preparing your own business plan in your own format, as long as it covers all of the material outlined in sections N to O in the Entrepreneur Work Visa application (INZ 1222), or 需要填写申请表INZ1222 •following the checklist and tables in section N to O in the Entrepreneur Work Visa application (INZ 1222). As each business plan is unique to the proposed business, your plan must be specific to your application. Standard responses, templates, and broad statements open to interpretation may result in your application being declined. 任何标准模版化的商业计划书会被拒绝 The plan must be no more than three months old on the date the application is made. 在申请前3个月内的商业计划书才有效 Your business plan will be assessed on the credibility of the information you provide and the knowledge that you display of the proposed business and the New Zealand business environment. Your business plan must, therefore, be supported by suitable evidence and reflect your research into the proposed venture. Each section of your business plan will be assessed separately, but the information you provide in each section should link together and be consistent. 提供市场研究证据 If you are applying for a renewal of your LTBV or Entrepreneur Work Visa or for a Change of Plan for your business, you may not need to do a complete new business plan. Email the Business Migration Branch at [email protected]. 12 – Entrepreneur Work Visa Guide – December 2015 ![]()
Elements of business plan (i)Details of proposed business venture You should include: • a description of the proposed business 详细描述你创业的内容 • the industry that the business will operate in 行业 • the proposed customers of the business 客户 • where the business will source suppliers 供应商 • the intended distribution network of the company, and 销售渠道 • what assets the company will require.需要什么资源 (ii)Documents (www.XinXiLan.Tech) Documents must be originals or certified copes. Documents must be in English or have an acceptable translation attached. 必须是英文文档 (iii)Intended involvement/role in the proposed business 描述在创业过程中有什么人员和角色 Describe what level of involvement you intend to have in the proposed business by providing an accurate and detailed job description. Use of a title such as ‘Director’ without an accompanying job description is unacceptable. (iv)Proposed ownership structure of the business 创业公司的组织结构和潜在的合作伙伴,你最少要有25%的股份 Select the legal structure that is most appropriate to your proposed business. Provide a chart illustrating the proposed ownership structure of the business including the names of any potential business partners. You must have a minimum shareholding of 25 per cent in the business. (v)SWOT analysis 确定企业自身的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁, 描述解决办法 Complete a brief SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis identifies the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that will impact on the business. Your analysis should explain how any threats or weaknesses identified will be overcome. (vi)Knowledge of the New Zealand business environment and market research 详细提供你了解的新西兰经商环境和市场研究结果 Provide detail of any exposure that you have had to the New Zealand business environment, including any previous business dealings or connections with other New Zealand businesses. Ensure that the knowledge you convey is relevant and specific to the area in which your proposed business will operate. If you have done or commissioned any market research on the prospect for your proposed business in New Zealand, provide details and supporting documentation in English of the findings of the research on the viability of the proposed business. (vii)Advice from trade associations in New Zealand 提供任何来至新西兰相关商会的建议 Provide details and supporting documentation of any contact that you have had with relevant New Zealand trade associations. (viii) Professional advice 专业的建议 Provide details and supporting documentation of professional advice that you have received regarding establishing the business in New Zealand. (ix)Professional qualifications or registration 合格的资质和登记 Provide evidence that you have obtained professional or trade registration, if this is required in order to operate the proposed business in New Zealand. If you are in the process of obtaining registration, outline what you have done to achieve this. (x)Other consents required 其他经商的要求 Provide detail of consents that your business may require under the Resource Management Act or the Overseas Investment Act. State whether other consents or regulations (for example, health and safety requirements) apply to your proposed business.
(xi)Other qualifications 提供其他认证过的文档 Provide certified copies of other qualifications that are relevant to your proposed business. (xii)Marketing strategy 市场策略 Provide details of how you intend to market your business, including: •the estimated market size in New Zealand 预计市场总大小 •the business’s targeted market share 预估所占市场份额 •how this market share will be achieved 如何达到目的份额 •analysis of the degree of competition in the market; the business’s distribution instructions, and 分析竞争者
•any •any certification, registration or distribution rights or licenses that you must have in order to export. 任何出口所需要的文件等 (xiii) What business will achieve in its first three years 预估头3年的创业能达到什么程度 Describe in detail what you expect the business to achieve within its first three years of operation. Go beyond restating the financial results forecast in ‘Section P: Financial information’.
Achievements must be specific goals – for example, establishing relationships with five suppliers, gaining 100 new customers, employing seven (xiv) Timeline 提供详细的时间进度 Provide details of the proposed timeline for establishing the business in New Zealand. Include in your timeline an estimation of the time required to complete the following milestones: •establishing the business 何时开始创建公司 •obtaining approvals 何时取得相关授权 •finding premises 何时找到办公室 •purchasing equipment 何时买设备 •recruiting staff 何时招聘员工 •establishing a distribution network, and 何时建立销售渠道 •starting operations. 何时开始运营 Copy of your business plan and all supporting documents 复制备份你的商业计划书和相关材料以备不时之需 You need to keep a copy of your original business plan and any supporting documents you submitted, as you will need to refer to this in order to be approved for an Entrepreneur Residence Visa.
If you are using an immigration adviser or other adviser to do your business plan, ensure that they give you a copy of your business plan and copies of any documents submitted in support of your application. 举个例子,暂且以开一间咖啡馆为例来分析一下:
销售收入: 1000/天=36万/年
销售毛利: 36万 * 65% = 23.4万(此毛利率意味着:卖5/杯的咖啡,成本1.7
按照我的测算,通常租金占销售比为25%,也就是说36万的年销售,租金应该在9万左右(已含电费及暖气费)人员工资: 假定一周开7天,从早晨7点到晚上6点,周末缩短到早8点到晚4点:
a) 100/周 * 52周 * 15/小时工资 = 78000 /年 b) 店主本人工资 25000/年 (含税,净得工资约2万)
说明: 1)这样的安排前提是:还需要店主本人每周在店里工作大约40-50小时,但不包括店主盘点及外出采购等额外时间。
1) 财产保险等大约4000/年 2) 交通费用约5000/年(含自购车的费用如车险,保养,油费等) 3) 财务费用约4000/年(如会计师,报表等费用) 4) 银行费用约1000/年(如POS机刷卡费,手续费等) 5) 通讯费用约2000/年(如网络,电话等费用) 6) 其他杂费及不可预见费用约5000/年,(如设备维修,制服,文件资料,员工福利聚餐,运费,办公费等)
总体核算下来: 每年净利为:2万/年 商业计划书的成功与否决定了申请人是否能成功获批EV,也就是两年的工作签证。申请人拿到工作签证之后登陆新西兰,按照商业计划开展生意,生意经营2年才能申请PR。对所有申请人而言,拿到PR才算创业移民之路的真真完结。 (责任编辑:纽西兰特产网) |