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时间:2016-09-14 20:32来源:未知 作者:纽西兰特产网 点击: N
【新西兰教育局】新西兰学校划分学区吗?可以去其他学区上学吗? 本文章内容从【新西兰教育局】翻译而来,并配有英文原文。真实可靠。 What does zoning mean? In a nutshell, zoning means: 在


What does zoning mean?

In a nutshell, zoning means:

  • 在学区内,就保证能上学。Children who live in the school's area (the zone) are guaranteed a place at their local school.
  • 如果学校还有额外的位置,可以招收其他学区的学生。If the school has extra places, children who live outside the zone can apply for those places.
  • 在申请学校报名的时候,必须要提供地址证明。If the school has zoning you need to give an address within this zone when you apply to enrol your child. This must be your usual place of residence. If the school finds that you have given false information, they may cancel your child's enrolment.

Not all schools have zoning.  并不是所有的学校都划分了学区。

How do I know if a school has zoning and whether I'm in their zone?

在这里可以查找学校的情况,确定学校的学区。To see if a school has an enrolment zone and whether you live within that, visit the nzschools website, type in a school or address and search. You can then choose to see the enrolment zone in place for that school or address.

You can also talk to the school - they can tell you if they have an enrolment zone and whether you live within in.

If you want more information about a school go to the Find a school tool on the education counts website.

What if I want to enrol my child at a school, but I'm not in their zone?

如何报名其他学区的学校?Each year, schools are required to put a notice in a local newspaper saying:

  • how many out-of-zone places are likely to be available
  • the closing date for applications for these places
  • any ballot dates for out-of-zone places.

However, you can contact a school at any time to ask about zoning and have them send you an enrolment pack which will have important dates.   

How does the application process work?

Applicants are accepted in this order:  如果学位不够,则学生录取顺序如下:

  1. 特招生最优先。first priority must be given to any applicant who is accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school
  2. 在读学生的兄弟姐妹。second priority must be given to any applicant who is the sibling of a current student of the school
  3. 毕业学生的兄弟姐妹。third priority must be given to any student who is the sibling of a former student of the school
  4. 毕业学生的小孩。fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school
  5. 学校员工的小孩。fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school
  6. 其他。sixth priority must be given to all other applicants.

If the board receives fewer applications than there are places available all applicants will be enrolled.

What if there are more applicants than places?

The school must hold a ballot (draw) to fill the places available, and create a waiting list for applicants who are not successful in the ballot.

Within 3 school days of the ballot happening, the school must post letters informing applicants of the outcome of the ballot.

报名的学生有14天时间来确认是否就读此学校,不然名额会取消。Successful applicants then have 14 days to confirm they accept or reject the offer of a place. If they don't respond within that period, the place will be offered to the first person on the waiting list established by the ballot.

The Secretary of Education's instructions to schools are that siblings at the same year level should be kept together for the purpose of the ballot, so that if one sibling's name is drawn, the other is automatically successful also.

Some primary schools with enrolment zones will hold more than one ballot each year. This is for 5-year-olds who are starting school.

What if my application isn't successful?

The school will put you on a waiting list, and tell you your place on the list. If a place comes available and you are first on the list, the school will let you know, and you will have the option of accepting or rejecting the offer of the place. The waiting list expires when the next ballot is held.

Meanwhile, you will need to enrol your child at another school.
