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新西兰普通创业移民签证Entrepreneur Work Visa 英文版 详解

首选,你可以在新西兰移民局找到新西兰普通创业移民签证Entrepreneur Work Visa 英文版的介绍: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/about-visa/entrepreneur-work-visa


Entrepreneur Work Visa

This visa is for people who want to work in their own business in New Zealand. To apply, you’ll need to provide a detailed business plan, have at least NZ $100,000 to invest in your business and be able to claim 120 points on our points scale. If you’re granted this visa, you can buy or set up a business without living here permanently, or as a first step towards New Zealand residence.  

  • 综合打分满足120分,并递交与管理经验相关的商业计划书

12 months in the start-up stage of your visa, then another 24 months once you’ve shown us that you’ve set-up your business

移民局审核客户资料签发12个月工作签证 ⇒ 持有工作签证在新西兰投资创业12个月内申请24个月工作签证 ⇒ 成功创业满2年申请居留权 ⇒ 持有居留权满2年申请永久居留权

With this visa you can

  • Come to New Zealand to buy or set up your own business.
  • Work in your own business in New Zealand for up to 3 years in total. 最多在新西兰待3年
  • Include your partner, and dependent children aged 19 and under, in your visa application. 可以带上配偶和19岁以下的小孩

    Things to note

    • If your business is in the science or ICT sectors, shows a high level of innovation or export potential, we may consider waiving the NZ $100,000 capital investment requirement. 如果是特别领域的创业,或许可以免除10万纽币的透支额度
    • We won’t be able to grant you an Entrepreneur Work Visa if you’ve been made bankrupt or been involved in a business failure in the last 5 years. 如果以前有破产或5年内创业失败的经历,不允许申请
If you’ve been involved in any kind of business fraud or financial wrongdoing, we won’t be able to grant you a visa. 禁止有欺诈的商业行为

普通创业移民(签证)的标准要求 Meeting the criteria

The criteria and evidence below will provide you with the information you need to meet the requirements of this visa.

身份证明 Identity  

You must provide proof of your identity

  • 2 recent passport-sized photos
  • a passport or certificate of identity



Please also provide a copy of:

• your Hukou (household registration book)

• your Chinese identity card.


You must be of good character

If you’re 17 or over, you must provide a Police Certificate from:    17岁(含)必须提供无犯罪证明

  • your country of citizenship
  • any other country where you’ve spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you didn’t spend that 12 months all in one visit. 十年内在任何国家累计待满1年时间,需要提供这个国家的无犯罪证明



Police Certificates must be less than 6 months old when you apply. 无犯罪证明申请时间距离你提交申请的时间 必须少于6个月

英语能力要达到雅思4分(平均分即可,overall score of 4),English language

You must be able to speak English

You can show us you speak English by either providing:


IELTS certificates must be no more than 2 years old. 雅思成绩2年内有效

携带家庭成员的要求 Bring family

Your partner and dependent children must meet the requirements for this visa

You must provide evidence:

  • of your relationship with your partner and dependent children, like a marriage certificate and birth certificates 结婚证明和出生证明
  • that your partner and dependent children meet the health, character and identity requirements for this visa, if necessary. 



Your partner and any dependent children don’t have to meet the English language requirement at this stage. But if you later apply for residence, they’ll either need to meet the requirement or pay us for English language classes before we can grant a resident visa. 初期不需要提供英语能力证明,但是以后申请居留的时候还是要提供

最小投资要求 Minimum capital investment

You must show us that you’re able to make a capital investment of at least NZ $100,000  10万纽币

You must provide evidence you have:

  • the funds and/or assets to make the capital investment outlined in your business plan 需要提供证明你有这笔钱
  • you have enough money to support yourself and any family who are coming to New Zealand with you, on top of your capital investment. 需要提供证明有其他金钱支持你们在新西兰生活

You must provide evidence that the funds and/or assets you intend to use for your capital investment are:

  • owned by you (or you and your partner) 投资款要提供资金来源证明
  • earned or acquired lawfully. 要求是合法的

Evidence you own the funds and/or assets to invest may include:

  • bank statements
  • title deeds
  • property valuations
  • share certificates
  • business ownership documents
  • asset valuations.

Evidence you earned or acquired the funds and/or assets lawfully, may include:

  • tax returns or certificates
  • pay slips
  • business financial statements
  • business shareholdings
  • dividends
  • receipts for property sales
  • bank certificates
  • share trading profits
  • evidence of gifted money
  • probate and other evidence of inherited money.

We may waive this requirement for businesses in science, ICT, or other high-value export industries that show a high level of innovation or high growth prospects in the short-term.

Your funds and/or assets can’t be borrowed or have a loan or bond against them.

It’s OK if you invested funds that were gifted to you, as long as they were gifted unconditionally and earned or acquired lawfully.

If you own an investment jointly with someone who isn’t your partner or dependent child, you can nominate the value of your share for your capital investment.

Capital investments exclude:

  • passive or speculative investments, like reserve funds or term deposits
  • items for your own use, like your car, boat or home
  • any salary or wages paid to you or your immediate family
  • residential property investments, unless they’re part of the business plan.

如何要求免除初期投资款 Request for a minimum capital investment waiver

For us to consider a capital investment of less than NZ $100,000, you must request a waiver

We’ll only consider waiving the minimum capital investment requirement , if both:

  • your business is in science, ICT or another high-value export sector
  • your business shows a high level of innovation or short-term growth prospects.

For us to consider your business high-value export business, it would need to aim to:

  • create 5 or more jobs for New Zealanders
  • turnover NZ $500,000 in annual exports.

For us to consider your business has an high level of innovation, you would need show us:

  • you’ve discovered new ways to produce more goods or services without increasing the production costs
  • your business is likely to succeed because of your innovation.

If we agree to waive this requirement, you won’t be eligible for any points for capital investment on our points scale.

创业打分需要够120分 Entrepreneur points

You must be awarded at least 120 points on our points scale

We may award points for:

  • your age
  • your capital investment
  • your business experience
  • the benefits of your business to New Zealand
  • the location of your business.

You can use our points scale to get an idea of how many points you may be able to claim.

You can also use it to check the evidence you’ll need to provide to support your claims.


商业计划书 Business plan

You must provide a business plan

You must provide a detailed business plan for the business you intend to run in New Zealand, which must include: 创业:

  • the industry your business will be in  行业
  • where your business will be located 地点、城市
  • evidence that supports any claims you made about your business in the points scale 和打分表里面的经商经验一致的证明
  • evidence you have enough money to finance your business, and support any family who come to New Zealand with you 有资金证明
  • details about whether you’ll be setting up a new business or buying an existing one 创业的详情
  • evidence you have the right business experience to run the business 证明有足够经验
  • details of any occupational registration you have, if it’s needed to run your business in New Zealand 如果需要一些特别证明才能创业,需要提供
  • financial forecasts 财务预算
  • information about your business track record and character, including details of any past bankruptcy, business failure, fraud or financial wrongdoing 详细的经商历史说明
  • information about the business environment and market you’ll be working in, as you understand it 详细描述你理解的创业环境和市场
  • information about how your business will contribute to New Zealand’s economic growth. 介绍你的创业对新西兰的经济有什么帮助

If you’re buying an existing business, you’ll also need to include: 购买现有的公司:

  • evidence of the value and profitability of the business 现有公司的价值证明
  • comments on the business’ past performance and trends 评价公司的历史和未来趋势
  • independently audited accounts for the business for the last 2 years 过去2年的财务审计
  • any sale and purchase agreement 销售合同
  • an independent valuation of the business or other evidence that supports its value 证明公司的价值
  • profit and loss statements for at least the last 2 years immediately before applying for your visa. 

Read our ‘Entrepreneur Work Visa Guide’ for helpful suggestions about how to set out your business plan. 

Entrepreneur Work Visa Guide (INZ 1221) PDF 289KB详细的商业计划书要求

Your business plan should be no more than 3 months old when you apply. 必须在提交申请前3个月以内的商业计划书

Our assessment of your business plan may include an interview with you. 可能会面试

If you later want to make a minor change to your business plan, you’ll need to submit a request to us for our approval 任何小的修改都需要申请.

We won’t be able to approve your application, if the purpose of your business is to help people who aren’t New Zealanders enter New Zealand. 如果你的公司并不是帮助新西兰人,那么不会被批准

创业开始 Business start-up

You must start up your business within 12 months 必须在12个月内开始创业并有生意

Once you’ve been granted an Entrepreneur Work Visa, you must start up your business within the first 12 months of your visa.

Towards the end of the 12 months or your ‘start-up’ stage, you’ll need to show us that you’ve:

  • made the capital investment detailed in your business plan 必须证明已经按照商业计划书里写的内容把初期投资款用完
  • taken reasonable steps to set-up or invest in the business detailed in your business plan.按商业计划书里面的写的,进行下一步

Evidence you’ve invested your capital can include: 下面证据可以证明初期投资款已经使用:

  • telegraphic transfers  汇款单
  • bank statements 银行证明
  • other documents showing it was transferred to New Zealand through the banking system.

Evidence you’ve taken steps to set-up or invest can include:

  • a certificate of incorporation 公司成立证明
  • audited accounts 审计帐号
  • GST records 商品购买记录
  • other tax records 税务记录
  • documents showing you’ve purchased or leased the business site  购买或租用办公场所文档
  • invoices for business equipment and supplies 设备发票
  • any other documents that show you’re in business, eg employment agreements, bank statements, power bills for your business, sales agreements, contracts to provide products or services. 员工合同,银行流水,电费,销售合同,其他合同

We may be able to extend the start-up period if you can show us you can set up your business within a specified time. 如果能证明可以在精确的时间内开始运作,可以申请延期

必须接受评估和5年内保证最新的联系方式  Evaluation

You must agree to take part in an evaluation of the Entrepreneur Work Visa Category

You must sign a declaration in the ‘Entrepreneur Work Visa Application’ agreeing that you’ll take part in an evaluation of the Entrepreneur Work Visa Category, if we approve your application.

You must also agree to keep us up-to-date with any changes to your contact details for 5 years after we approve your application. This is so we can get in touch about the evaluation.

Entrepreneur Work Visa Application (INZ 1222) PDF 448KB


创业打分表,必须要有120分才能申请 Points scale

The points scale is a guide only. Only an immigration officer can award you points during their assessment of your visa application.

申请过程和费用 Process & fees

The information below will help you understand the process, timeframes and costs involved in applying for this visa, so you can plan ahead and have the best chance of submitting a complete application.


1. 先自己打分看是否能满足120分的基本要求 You use the points scale to check your eligibility

To be granted an Entrepreneur Work Visa, you’ll need to be able to claim at least 120 points on our points scale.

You can use our points scale tool to get an idea of whether you’ll be eligible to apply.


2. 申请12个月的工作签证 You apply for a work visa

Complete the ‘Entrepreneur Work Visa Application’. You’ll need to send it to us with your application fee, immigration levy and supporting documents, including a detailed business plan.

Use our ‘Office and fees finder’ to check how much to pay and where to send your application.

View office & fees details


3. 等待新西兰移民局审批结果(一般90天内) We make a decision about your application

We’ll process your application as soon as we can.

Most applications are processed within 90 days, but it can take longer in some situations.

If there’s anything else you need to do, we’ll be in touch.


4.进入新西兰开始创业 You come to New Zealand to set up your business

If we approve your application, we’ll grant you an initial 12-month visa to start-up your business new Zealand.

Towards the end of the 12-months, we’ll get in touch to ask you to send us information to show you’ve:

  • made the capital investment detailed in your business plan
  • set up or invested in the business detailed in your business plan.

If you’ve done this, we may be able to grant you another Entrepreneur Work visa for the balance of the 3 years.  如果12个月内开始了生意,可以申请工作签证延长到总数为3年的期限(包括之前12个月内花费掉的时间)。
