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时间:2016-07-26 13:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击: N
新西兰北岛旅游城市汉密尔顿Hamilton大概介绍: 汉密尔顿是位于新西兰北岛内陆的一座美丽城市,也是新西兰第四大城市,人口数量十二万左右,其中超过两万人是在这座城市中学习的

 汉密尔顿是位于新西兰北岛内陆的一座美丽城市,也是新西兰第四大城市,人口数量十二万左右,其中超过两万人是在这座城市中学习的学生。汉密尔顿的英文名称是Hamilton,从名称中能看出来,这是一座用传统的英文命名的城市,但是您不要被名称迷惑,汉密尔顿位于新西兰最温暖、物产最丰富的怀卡托Waikato地区,所以实际上,汉密尔顿是很多新西兰的原住民也就是毛利人的聚集区。 新西兰长度第一、流量第二的河流怀卡托河流经汉密尔顿,它被新西兰最肥沃的土地所包围,被称为“世界奶类产品之都”。事实上,在一开始,哈密尔顿是作为一个农业服务中心而存在的,但现在它拥有着多样的经济。哈密尔顿(毛利语:Kirikiriroa,英语:Hamilton)位于新西兰北岛北部,是新西兰第四大城市,也是新西兰最大的内陆城市。南距奥克兰市129公里,是怀卡托省首府


Fast facts

  • NZ's largest inland city  新西兰最大的内陆城市
  • NZ's longest river, the Waikato, flows for 16km through the city 新西兰最长的河流有16公里经过这里
  • Kirikiriroa, the city's Maori name means 'long stretch of gravel'  
  • Population of 156,800 people (estimate at June 2015)  截止到2015年6月有15万人口
  • Hamilton's population ranks 4th in size out of the 67 districts in NZ 人口数排第四
  • Hamilton City has 3.3 percent of NZ's population 占新西兰总人口数的3%
  • Has a youthful population - around half of residents are under 30 years old  一半的居民都是30岁以下
  • NZ European make up three quarters of the population and Maori 19 percent  毛利人占19%,欧洲人占75%
  • Home to more than 80 ethnic groups 大概80个民族的人
  • Mild climate and moderate year round rainfall keep the city and surrounding area very green 适度的气候和一年大概一半时间的降水
  • Mean temperatures - 18C in January (summer) and 9C in July (winter)   冬季平均9摄氏度,夏季平均18度
  • 145 parks and gardens and 63 sports areas  有145个公园或花园,63个体育场所
  • City has more than 1,000 hectares of open space 有1000公顷(1000x1万平方米)的开阔场地
  • Home to 25,800 person capacity Waikato Stadium 体育馆能容量25800人

Hamilton's economy

  • Hamilton is at the centre of one of the richest agricultural and pastoral areas in the world 肥沃的农田
  • Major service centre for the Waikato region 怀卡托省的中心区
  • Dairy industry is centred around Hamilton and Waikato - world class centre of agricultural biotech excellence 奶制品工业发达
  • Home to a number of NZ's science research facilities   科学研究和农业比较发达
  • Home to national Agricultural Fieldays - largest agricultural trade show in the southern Hemisphere (generating $290 million sales)
  • City's closeness to two main sea ports (Auckland and Tauranga), 2 international airports (Auckland and Hamilton), railway, south Auckland industrial base and state highways provide significant opportunities for export and import 接近2个港口和2个机场


image source: google images


新西兰汉密尔顿,香港和台湾地区称为“哈密尔顿”,是新西兰第四大城市,位于新西兰北岛的中心地带,地势平坦,资源得天独厚,物产丰富。新西兰境内长度第一、水流量第二的河流“怀卡托河”(Waikato River)流经汉密尔顿,千万年的水流形成的冲击平原、以及水流带来的养分,让汉密尔顿被新西兰最肥沃的土地所包围。




汉密尔顿常年居住有超过一万名的华人,他们已经深深的扎根在这座城市中,用他们辛勤的劳动和快乐的生活态度,与这座新西兰北岛的花园城市融为了一体。新西兰怀卡托大学Waikato University是新西兰国立八所大学之一,它的不少学科(尤其是农业和地球方面)学术造诣非常深厚,有些学术领域的研究处于全球的领先地位,这样一所学校,自然吸引了不少的华人留学生前来这里深造。同时,若干年前中国江苏省无锡市就与汉密尔顿结成了“友好城市”,在汉密尔顿花园Hamilton Gardens就有无锡援建的中国园林。





  • 汉密尔顿花园Hamilton Gardens
  • 汉密尔顿动物园
  • 怀卡托美术文化博物馆
  • 怀托摩萤火虫洞
  • Skycity赌城(虽然是景点,但是提醒您远离赌博)
  • 汉密尔顿湖
  • 怀卡托河Waikato River
  • 每年一度的汉密尔顿热气球节
维基百科英文介绍: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton,_New_Zealand
维基百科中文介绍: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%93%88%E5%AF%86%E5%B0%94%E9%A1%BF_(%E6%96%B0%E8%A5%BF%E5%85%B0)
汉密尔顿天气、气候查询(中文): http://www.tianqi.com/qiwen/city-hanmierdun-summer/


Hamilton’s climate is oceanic (Köppen: Cfb ), with highly moderated temperatures due to New Zealand’s location surrounded by ocean. Despite this, as the largest inland city in the country winter mornings can be cold by New Zealand standards (the lowest of the North Island’s main centres), occasionally dropping as low as −4°C (25 °F). Likewise summers can be some of the hottest in the country with temperatures rising as high as 29°C. Hamilton also features very high humidity (similar to tropical climates such as Singapore) which can make temperatures feel uncomfortably warm or cold. Ground frosts are common and snow is possible but rare. The only recorded snowfall in modern times was light snowflakes in mid August 2011 during a prolonged cold period that saw snowfall as far north as Dargaville.
Hamilton receives considerable precipitation amounting to around 1,100mm over 125 days per year. This coupled with average sunshine hours of around 2000 makes Hamilton and the surrounding Waikato an extremely fertile region.
Typically summers are warm and dry and winters cool and wet. Fog is common during winter mornings, especially close to the Waikato River which runs through the city centre. Heavy fog usually burns off by noon to produce sunny and calm winter days. Hamilton also has the lowest average wind speed of New Zealand’s main centres as a result of its inland location, in a depression surrounded by high hills and mountains.

