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新西兰晚宴盛况空前群贤毕至 蓬蓽生辉

时间:2011-09-08 00:00来源:新西兰 先驱报 作者:New Zealand 点击: N


  (右起)奥克兰市议员Mike Lee、屋崙华侨会所会长
  Arthur Loo、ABC生意买卖顾问公司总经理Richie Lowe
  奥克兰市长Len Brown( 左)、华社服委员会主席 Kit Wong(右)


  北岸凌志销售部经理Dennis Millerchen(左),高级销售顾问Helen Wang(中)

  Giltrap City Toyota Mt Wellington
  贷款经理Andreas Purnomo(左)销售顾问Michael Liu(中)  

  华星保理险总经Janet Lee(右)



  正点旅游董事Evelyn Lee(左二)、Jeffrey Liu (右一)伉儷
  (左起)蔬果世界董事Jack Chen、Charlie Zheng、Charlie Shen


  小提琴演奏蔡其翰(Bruce Tsai)
  钢琴独奏薑芊慧 (Sylvia Jiang)


  DG Law Ltd律师Danny Ho(左),天希国际顾问集团会计师翟振弘(中)


  Prime Minister

  Message from the Prime Minister, Rt Hon John Key
  On the collaboration between the Chinese Herald and the New Zealand Herald
  New Zealand is a diverse and growing nation. The Government knows that our Chinesecommunities have an important role to play in shaping our future. We strongly value the contributions they make, and we‘re committed to making sure their voices are heard at the highest level.
  It‘s great to see media outlets in New Zealand working together to bring the latest news to our Chinese communities. The media has an important role to play in helping new Chinese migrants to settle in to New Zealand society and get involved in our communities.
  I‘d like to thank the Chinese Herald and The New Zealand Herald for helping to keep our Chinese communities informed, and wish you all the best for your work together in the years ahead.

(责任编辑:新西兰 XinXiLan)